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Extracurricular Opportunities

In pursuit of our goal to continually develop well-rounded students, we believe there is a need to provide unique experiences and opportunities beyond the classroom for students of all ages.


National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

Junior High students are chosen into this prestigious national organization based on their scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship.  These students serve students and adults within our school community through a variety of projects.

Student Council

Middle School and Junior High students are elected into student council by their peers.  They lead the school in developing fun new opportunities for student fellowship and learning experiences. 

Quiz Bowl (AAA)

Quiz Bowl is an interscholastic academic and general knowledge quiz competition.  Students practice weekly and compete in several tournaments during the year.  In 2017 the St. Joseph Quiz Bowlers were Arkansas AAA State Champions!​

Band (AAA)

6th-8th grade students may elect to take band class during the school day.  Band students may voluntarily participate in the AAA Regional Solo and Ensemble Competition.  In 2017 twenty-one students participated and fourteen earned First Division ratings and seven earned Second Division.  

Battle of the Books (BOB)

BOB is an annual competition among the Catholic Schools of Arkansas.  Each year a book list is issued that 4th-6th grade participants are to read during the year.  In the Spring these students are quizzed on their comprehension of the selected books.  A five person team is selected from our school to represent St. Joseph at the state competition.  All students who read all of the selected books are able to accompany the team to the competiton. 


Angel Choir meets weekly for students in 3rd-8th grades who wish to participate.  Students lead music at Mass and at other special events both on and off campus.  Students are also able to belong to the parish children's choir. 

Chess Club

With 30-40 students participating each year, Chess Club is our most popular non-athletic extracurricular.  Parent volunteers and alumni work after school with students in 1st-8th grade who want to refine their knowledge and skill of the game.  Our most skilled students are able to participate in area competitions if they choose.  

Super Science

Super Science, formerly known as "Mad Science," is an after-school opportunity for students as young as kindergarten to practice fun hands-on science projects.

Cooking Class

In this six-week class, students in 2nd-4th grade create treats and eats.  Students learn about following recipes, measuring, and crafty presentations.  Of course, the favorite part is getting to sample their wares!​

Knitting Club

Middle School and Junior High students can choose to learn this unique skill in an after-school class.  In one six-week session, students will successfully knit a scarf or hat to take home or give as a gift. 

Ceramics Class

Students learn some of the basics of ceramic work.  Students paint and glaze a plate and (with the teacher) fire them in our kiln.

Arts Live Theater

A local theater group offers six-week classes for kindergarten-2nd grades and 3rd-5th grades in which students learn and practice basic acting techniques and the ins and outs of a performance production.  

Cub Scouts

St. Joseph Pack 60 is open to boys in 1st-5th grades.  In the long tradition of Cub Scouts, the boys learn to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent through fun activities such as camping, archery, outdoor cooking, and much more. 

These are just glimpses into the St. Joseph Way

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