Competitive & Inclusive Athletics
We believe competitive sports are an important part of forming well-rounded students. Athletic competition is one that students learn to use their bodies in a healthy way as gifts from God. Through teamwork and competition students recognize their own gifts and talents and learn sportsmanship towards those both like and unlike themselves.
At St. Joseph, it is our goal to provide team athletic opportunities that fit students of all ages and ability levels while remaining competitive with other area schools.
SJCS Panther Competitive Teams
Oliver Soccer
NWA Youth Tennis
Athletic Achievements
Girls Volleyball​
2015-2016 Ozark Juniors Junior High Champions
2014-2015 Ozark Juniors Junior High Champions
Girls Basketball​​
2016 B&GC Middle School Open League Champions
2016 B&GC 4th Grade Rec League Champions
2015 AR Catholic School Jamboree Middle School Champions
2014-2015 B&GC Middle School Rec League Champions
2014-2015 B&GC Middle School Open League Champions
2013-2014 B&GC 4th/5th Grade Open League Champions
2013 AAO Middle School Champions
Boys Basketball​​
2016-2017 Ozark Athletic Conference Junior High Champions
2016-2017 AAO 5th Grade Open League Season Champions (Undefeated)
2015-2016 B&GC 7th Grade Rec League Champions
2015-2016 B&GC Middle School Rec League Champions
2015-2016 B&GC 4th Grade Open League Champions
2015-2016 B&GC 4th Grade Rec League Champions
2015 AR Catholic School Jamboree 6th Grade Champions
2015 AR Catholic School Jamboree 5th Grade Champions
2013-2014 AAO 6th Grade Champions
2012-2013 B&GC 4th Grade Rec League Champions
2011-2012 B&GC 4th Grade Open League Champions