Academic Growth
St. Joseph takes a well-rounded, holistic approach that allows students to LEARN in challenging new ways. True learning develops LOVE for God, others and the world, and leads the students to ACT with kindness and respect toward others now and as professional leaders in the future.
Test scores regularly in top 15% nationally have earned National Blue Ribbon Status
High percentage of students qualify for Duke University Talent Identification Program by scoring 95th percentile or better on standardized tests
8:1 student-faculty ratio ensures differentiated learning. Average class size of 14 students
Highly qualified, certified teachers with an average of 12 years of experience per teacher; over half of core subject teachers hold Master’s Degrees
Competitive technology use:
1-to-1 student device program in junior high
Interactive boards/projectors K-8
Classroom sets of iPads and Chromebooks
Computer lab
Google Classroom
Pre- Algebra and Algebra I are offered in junior high for qualified students, allowing them to begin Algebra II or Geometry as Freshman in high school
8th grade students complete Spanish I for high school credit and begin their high school career in Spanish II
Learning beyond the core curriculum includes Art, Advanced Art elective (7th and 8th), Physical Education, recess every day for all grades, Library, general Music, and Music elective of Band or Choir (6th-8th)​
Small class sizes and teacher longevity create a sense of belonging among all SJCS students
The centuries-old tradition of Catholic education provides structure for rigorous academics
Daily religious instruction makes love of God and neighbor central to all learning
Academic success is recognized and valued by students; It is “cool to be smart”
Emphasis on leadership, responsibility, social development, and independence through public speaking training and opportunities
Numerous learning opportunities outside the classroom include Crystal Bridges, Walton Arts Center, Subiaco Abbey, Tulsa Zoo, and overnight trips to Ozark Natural Science Center (6th), Little Rock historical and religious sites, and Washington D.C. (8th)
Variety of non-athletic extracurricular opportunities including competitive participation in Quiz Bowl, Math Counts, Science Fair, and Chess. 93% of students participate in extracurriculars
Proven success of our graduates in academics, athletics, and careers